Associated commands:
Recall previous/next keys
default ^P and ^N)
Recall beginning/end keys
default ^[< and ^[>)
Search backward/forward keys
default ^[p and ^[n)
TinyFugue stores lines in 4 different types of history lists. Input history records the last 100 non-repeated commands from the keyboard, including the current line. Each world has a world history, which stores 1000 lines of output from that world. Local history stores 100 lines of output generated by TF, i.e. anything that didn't come from a world. Global history is an integrated list of 1000 lines from TF and every world. The history sizes can be changed with the /histsize command and the %{histsize} variable.
/recall is used to display text from any of the history lists. The /quote command may be used to quote out of any history list using the /quote # feature.
Typing ^string1^string2 finds the last command in the input history containing string1, replaces string1 with string2, and executes the modified line.
The recall keys replace the current input with a line from the input history list. See /dokey for details.
See also /log.