/HELP [topic]
Displays help on the topic specified, or displays a quick summary of available topics if no topic is given.
The variable %TFHELP must contain the name of the helpfile. It is set when TF is installed, and should not normally be changed. If the helpfile or the help index is not found, /help will not function. The help file is in ASCII with embedded ANSI display codes, so can be read or printed by any program that can handle ANSI codes.
Commands are described with the format "/COMMAND arguments". Words in all caps must be spelled exactly as shown (but do not need to be capitalized). Arguments in this format (underlined angle brackets in /help, or italics in HTML) can be given any value. Arguments in [square brackets] may be omitted. The character | means "or". For example, "[OFF|ON]" means you may type "off", "on", or nothing.
Some help topics have punctuation in their names: variables begin with "%", commands begin with "/", and functions end with "()". A name with omitted punctuation will usually match the same topic (e.g., "/def" and "def" both match the /def command topic), but sometime will match a different topic (e.g., "%MAIL" matches the MAIL variable topic, but "MAIL" matches the MAIL hook topic). There are also (sub)topics for various tf syntax constructions such as "%{}" and "$()".
Words or phrases in this format are references to other topics. That is, a hyperlink in HTML, or something that can be used as an argument to /help in tf.
The help document is available in HTML form at