

tf [-Ldir] [-f[file]] [-ccommand] [-vlqn] [world]
tf [-Ldir] [-f[file]] [-ccommand] [-vlq] host port

At startup, TF takes the following steps:

  1. Initializes special variables. Any variables defined in the environment will override TF's default values for the variables with the same name.
  2. Loads commands from the standard macro library (, the optional local macro library (, and your personal configuration file (see tfrc).
  3. Executes command, if one was given.
  4. Enables visual mode if -v was not given and %visual has not been explicitly set to "off".
  5. Tries to connect to world, or host port. If no world is given, and the -n option is not given, TF will try to connect to the first world defined with addworld() in the configuration file(s). If no worlds are defined, or TF can not connect to the specified world, TF will start up in unconnected mode.


Use dir instead of %TFLIBDIR as library directory.
Load file instead of the normal personal config file.
Do not load any personal config file at startup.
Execute command after loading config file. Command is treated as if it had been typed on the tf command line (i.e., the value of %sub is significant).
Do not connect to a world automatically at startup if no world or host/port are specified.
Disable automatic login. (see: login)
Enable quiet login. (see: %quiet)
Disable automatic switch to visual mode.

The library directory is determined by the first of the following which has a value: -L option; %TFLIBDIR environment variable; or, compiled-in default. The standard library file is determined by the first of the following which has a value: TFLIBRARY environment variable; or, appending "/" to %TFLIBDIR.

TF honors several locale categories, which can be set to make TF work better with languages other than English. See locale.

See for the latest info on TF.

See also: intro, tfrc, library, worlds, /addworld

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Copyright © 1995 - 1999 Ken Keys